Storm Humbert is an award-winning author of short fiction as well as the managing member of a small press and (soon) an editor. His fiction has appeared in magazines such as Andromeda Spaceways, Interzone, Apex, and Galaxy's Edge, among others. He has also published in many anthologies, including "Everyone is a Thief of Somebody's Future" from Air & Nothingness Press, "Of Wizards and Wolves," from Wordfire, and "Writers of the Future, #36" from Galaxy Press. Storm's award-winning story "Stolen Sky," which appeared in the Writers of the Future anthology, was recently reprinted on Cast of Wonders and is available there in text and audio formats. Storm is also the managing member of the small press, Calendar of Fools, whose first anthology, "Inner Workings," is available anywhere books are sold. Their second anthology, "Intergalactic Rejects" (his editorial debut) is forthcoming. He also recently accepted a position as the executive editor of Roan & Weatherford's new fantasy and science fiction imprint, Dragonbrae and can't wait to get started. Storm currently lives in Michigan with his wife, Casey, and their two cats: Chicken Nugget and Honey Mustard. His full list of published works can be found at his site,